Are you using Facebook to market your business? Looking for creative ways to engage with your audience and turn prospects into customers?

In this post, you’ll discover a Facebook advertising plan you can use to go from cold prospects to customers almost instantly on Facebook.

Convert more Prospects on Facebook with this Facebook Advertising Plan

Identify the prospect’s pain points

No matter what business you are promoting or starting, you have to add value to your customer’s everyday life. People don’t buy any random product or services. They are looking for solutions to solve a pain point problem or rectify an issue. You want to decide who you want to work with on Facebook and discover the prospect’s pain points or desires.

Build Awareness with Cold Prospects via Content

You must create a type of awareness to engage with your audience. Here are a few ways to stand out from your competitors on Facebook:

Blog Post: A short and informative article to help show your expertise

Content Video: a short and enticing video to help show anything entertaining, informative, educational and many more

Retarget Warm Audience to Deliver a Valuable Resource

This is an important stage to acquire prospects as customers. You established a relationship via content. Now, you can offer value to your audience that they can’t resist. Here are ideas you can offer to acquire as a customer.

Event: Host an event

Course: Expand on topics that interests your audience, such as a Webinar.

Ebook: Deliver more exclusive content that interests your audience.


These tips can take time, but it will be worth it. It may not be successful overnight, but trust the process. With this 3-step Facebook advertising plan, you will go from zero to marketing hero.

About the Author:

Ed Swindler II is the freelancer behind ESIIDeveloper specializing in custom marketing and web solutions.