Since I was a teenager, I discovered my strong interest in web development, which I realized would be a wise long-term investment. When I was trying to figure out what career path to choose, I worked together with my guidance counselor. Interestingly, the counselor placed me in a programming class where I learned the basics of creating web pages using HTML and CSS. It was like magic to me, and I became hooked on projects that allowed me to progress from basic web pages to full-fledged websites. This passion continued throughout my education at Florida State College at Jacksonville. During that time, I had the opportunity to explore various resources and technologies, which expanded my knowledge of different programming languages, algorithms, and even mathematics.

After graduating from college, I wanted to gain more practical experience by working with businesses and corporations, applying the skills and technologies I had learned. As a result, I took on contract jobs and unpaid internships. It turned out to be a valuable experience as it allowed me to enter the industry and work with end users, managers, and business analysts to address critical application issues, improve existing websites and applications, and even build new applications from scratch.

To this day, my passion for web development remains strong. There is always more to learn and new challenges to overcome, which fuels my motivation to keep solving problems and building innovative solutions.